Although we have not yet returned to on-site 100%, this is a process that will slowly become necessary in the education of our children and, like home schooling or virtual education, it is necessary to know the necessary information to choose within the best schools in Bogotá that are in person. 

– Learning methodologies: One of the advantages of  Renfort Personalized School is that they allow the application of learning through phenomena that is a combination of practices, which include strategies that allow the student to face their day-to-day reality in the classroom, either based on projects or an investigation that involves their reality. This is one of the aspects that must be taken into account as parents, since a traditional methodology makes it difficult and generates less interest in the student.

– Institutional values: Review institutional values, which, while difficult to recognize immediately during school tours, can be one of the keys to making decisions. We do not want your sons and daughters to enter a school where they feel excluded, be it due to racial, cultural, economic, sexual, physical or cognitive aspects.

– Option to change the modality: The unforeseen are part of the day to day and many times they cause some students to withdraw from the institutions. To avoid this type of situation, you can choose to look for an institution that allows the change of modality. Renfort Personalized School is one of the schools that facilitates this movement of students, without the need to affect the academic structure or the study calendar that had been agreed in one modality or another. 

Helpful Tips for Parents

As final details and advice, we remind all mothers and fathers that the key to choosing a good school always depends on what you want for your children and how they function in the environments they choose. The comfort of your sons or daughters within the school determines their performance and learning during the year, so first listen to what you want and then make the decision about which are the best schools for them.