Firstly, as we named above, the great key to personalized schools in Bogotá is to achieve an educational approach that addresses the needs, interests and abilities of each student; understanding that each person learns differently and therefore, the ways of receiving this type of education for each boy and girl must be unique. For this reason, the essential objective of this personalized education is to have an individual study plan according to what the student knows and how the student learns the best.

To clarify the concept of this educational modality, we can make the comparison with a traditional educational space, which uses the same learning technique for all students equally, leaving aside the interests and abilities of each individual, then it could be said that here individual progress is measured from the average established by the performance of all. The great difference with the traditional education methodology is that personalized schools in Bogotá allow free and rigorous zero thinking with respect to a ‘model student prototype’.

Special Features of Custom Schools

Although many institutions are based on personalized education, some of them are not really 100% personalized as it is advertised, because if we are talking about a personalized process, a small number of people must be managed within each classroom and this characteristic is not fulfilled in some occasions.

Renfort Personalized School in Bogotá offers the opportunity to receive real personalized education, where the groups of students are of less than 10 students and in which a different strategy is taught by each student and focused on that single child.

Another characteristic is that this type of institution should have in which by the moment, is only applied by Renfort Personalized School, is having personalized home schooling and what is it about? It is having the opportunity for your child to study at home with a teacher who is just for him or her.

And it can be from two modalities that the parents must choose.

One of them is that the educator has virtual and synchronous meetings through the internet with the student, a strategy that is very common in these times, but what if your child has the possibility of having his teacher at home? This is the second modality of personalized education, which only Renfort Personalized School offers, which in academic matters, positively impacts the child’s academic performance, generating the appropriate and sometimes necessary interaction with the educator: The grower (teacher) goes to student’s home and imparts the session according not only to the study plan but also to the child’s availability times.

Secondly, the personalized education of Renfort Personalized School is characterized by easy access to a change of modality, the studies will be remote to on site or vice versa. That is why many times children have extracurricular activities or special situations (cognitive conditions, diplomatic or important families, athletes or professional artists) that intersect with their academic work, so they must cancel or postpone scheduled events or classes.

With this strategy, it is easy and very accessible, to make a sudden change of modality that does not interrupt the academic process that is carried out and that does not imply a new beginning for the student, having a personal schedule of all the sessions.

Understanding the dynamics of personalized schools is to recognize that the forms of learning each day must be transformed and likewise, transform the thoughts of each student and future professional, guidelines with which Renfort Personalized School has managed to train good people, with criteria and that they know what they want for their life.